Language Center
Language Center (LC) is one of the centers at University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) taking in charge of Students’ English Development. Besides, Language Centre (LC) plays a crucial role in improving English proficiency of UMM community.
Language program in UMM focuses on three long-term goals; they are:
- As a means of cultural, science and technology transportation.
- To support the international cooperation
- As a strategic tools for global competition
English for Specific Purpose (ESP) is the English program designed by LC and compulsory for both freshmen and transferred students of UMM based on the Rector Letter of Reference Number: E.2.d/588/UMM/VIII/1999 issued on August 3, 1999. Starting from 2008/2009, ESP program is offered in two semesters with following subjects*):
a. Semester I : Reading I (2 credits)
Speaking I (2 credits)
Listening (2 credits)
b. Semester II : Reading II (2 credits)
Speaking II (2 credits)
Writing (2 credits)
Students who are unable to take ESP classes must write letter of permission to the Director of LC 2 weeks prior to the commencement of ESP courses.
Students who have paid ESP tuition fee may switch the fee for the next semesters that they show original receipt and written statement signed by the Director of LC and the Department Chairman.
Students who do not follow and fulfill the above provisions no longer deserve ESP program. They are still to take ESP program and need to pay ESP fee regulated by the university.
Students who pass ESP program will get ESP Certificate and Transcript equal to English Diploma I degree. They deserve to join ESP Graduation Ceremony under the following conditions:
· GPA min 2.00
· No Grade D or E
· Meeting all graduation requirements
GPA (Grade Point Average) in ESP classes is transferred to Student Academic Transcript by their department under these criteria:
a. GPA 2.00 is converted into Grade C
b. GPA 2.01 – 2.50 is converted into Grade C+
c. GPA 2.51 – 3.00 is converted into Grade B
d. GPA 3.01 – 3.51 is converted into Grade B+
e. GPA 3.51 – 4.00 is converted into Grade A
ESP Certificate and Transcript must be shown when students apply for Thesis Examination.
Students who get D in the ESP subject MUST recourse and have to pay ESP fee regulated by UMM. Any payment for ESP program is via BNI or BCA. The receipt will be the evident.
Students who FAIL in ESP program are to take remedial class offered by LC. The remedial class is offered in SPECIAL CLASS and SHORT SEMESTER. Remedial class (Special Class and Short Semester) are designed to help those who fail in ESP program. The announcement of remedial class registration is available in every faculty, issued at the end of every semester.
ESP Graduation Day is held to appreciate students successfully completing ESP program. Besides, the graduation day is for distributing ESP certificate and academic transcript to all ESP graduates.
Up-dated January 2010
By Dwi Poedjiastutie